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International mobility

International companies today manage a growing number of mobile employees. In addition to the human aspects, this international mobility brings significant financial challenges, not only for employers, but also for employees. Managing these issues related to expats is not an easy task. That's why we help you navigate the numerous legal labyrinths to optimize costs and reduce risks for your company and your employees.

Do you work in an administrative, financial or human resources department?

We will assist you in diagnosing the company’s international mobility needs, developing the company’s international mobility policy, and documenting and implementing the international mobility policy. We assist you in determining the social security tax status of employees, choosing the optimal status depending on the country, eligibility for the impatriation scheme, analyzing the impact of employee relocation, calculating equivalent net salaries, comparing schemes and social benefits, structuring expatriation and impatriation packages, assisting in the recruitment of non-EU nationals, implementing the impatriation scheme and the scheme for exemption from compulsory membership in the French basic and supplementary pension insurance. Finally, we are also available to assist you in the context of tax audits and litigation. 


Are you yourself a cross-border expatriate or an expatriate?

We offer you a diagnosis of your personal and professional situation in terms of tax and social security, the determination of the best exit or entry strategy and its implementation, personal tax returns, assistance in completing immigration formalities, support in personal tax audits and litigation, and the accompaniment service within the framework of Family Solutions. 


Do you work in a subsidiary of a foreign group?

We will assist you in the risk diagnosis of foreign mobility in connection with the development of the work environment, as well as in the protection of employees in the area of social security and personal taxation. 

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J’accompagne les entreprises, leurs dirigeants et salariés pour l’ensemble des problématiques transfrontalières sur le plan fiscal et social : implantation de l’entreprise en France, analyse des risques d’établissement stable, gestion des flux internationaux, mobilité internationale des dirigeants et des salariés, protection sociale internationale, restructuration patrimoniale internationale, stratégies d’impatriation, expatriation et rapatriement, gestion du départ de France ou du retour en France.

Anastasiya BURIMOVA, Juriste fiscaliste

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J'accompagne des entrepreneurs, PME, ETI et filiales françaises de groupes étrangers. Expert en stratégie juridique et fiscale, réorganisations, M&A, prix de transfert et défense dans le cadre de contrôles et contentieux fiscaux.

Nikolaj MILBRADT, Associé, Avocat au Barreau de Paris

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