Gabrielle MENARD

Avocat au Barreau de Paris
Gabrielle advises French and foreign companies with their head office, a branch office or even a single employee in France, in all areas of employment law.
Gabrielle assists her clients throughout the employment relationship, whether it is at the beginning of the individual relationship (employment agreement), its execution (management of international mobility issues, working hours, variable remuneration, collective relations: elections/consultation of the Works Council, profit-sharing schemes, company agreements, relations with the labor inspectorate, etc.) or its termination (individual or collective dismissal / redundancy procedures and restructuring in particular).
In the event of litigation, she is experienced in negotiations and represents companies before the French courts and more particularly before the Labour Tribunals (so called “Conseil de prud’hommes”).
Native French speaker; she is fluent in German and English.
Gabrielle is a member of the Paris Bar since 2010.
She holds a Master I in French and German law from the Universities of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne and Cologne, as well as a Master II in European business law from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas.