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Transfer Pricing

Transfer pricing has become an important tax challenge for multinationals. That is why we are here to help you manage, secure and optimize them.

Are you part of the general management of your group?

We offer you concrete solutions in analyzing and managing the risks associated with transfer pricing, structuring an efficient transfer pricing policy that is in line with the company’s challenges, but also in managing communications related to the demand for tax transparency and managing reputational risk. 


Do you belong to an administrative and financial directorate or a tax directorate?

We will assist you in structuring a transfer pricing policy that complies with the arm’s length principle, in the preparation of transfer pricing documentation, in the validation of the proper application of the transfer pricing policy, as well as in the preparation and assistance during the audit, in the assistance during pre-litigation and litigation phases, and in the management of the out-of-court procedure. 


Are you part of the human resources department of a company?

We can assist you in analyzing and managing the impact of transfer pricing policies on employee compensation, but also in analyzing and managing the social risks associated with transfer pricing policies, specific transactions and tax adjustments. 


Are you part of the legal department?

We can help you review existing contracts and validate compliance with transfer pricing policies, and take care of drafting contracts with transfer pricing restrictions in mind. 

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