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Decarbonization and integration of renewable energies, redevelopment of sites, emergence of new technologies, flexibility and reshaping of jobs, rising bank interest rates, record investments in France and Germany and a safe haven in the crisis: the real estate market in France is influenced by very many factors.

Our accountants, auditors, consultants and lawyers accompany companies, individuals and players in the real estate sector in the context of the needs created by these national and international market trends: Asset valuation and arbitrage, restructurings, (re-)financing, disposals, acquisitions or transfers, (re-)negotiation of leases, but also legal and tax compliance or special secretarial tasks for family offices.  

Surrounded by experts from our real estate community (notary, real estate appraiser, real estate transaction specialist, consulting real estate agent, architect, surveyor, etc.) we offer turnkey solutions with high added value to all our clients. 

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  • picto ouvrir infos expert
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    Avocate à la Cour - Senior Counsel - Responsable du Pôle Family Solutions

    Asset management Real Estate Soffal Tax law
    J'accompagne en France et à l’international, des particuliers, des familles, des dirigeants, des actionnaires et des investisseurs.

    Avocate à la Cour - Senior Counsel - Responsable du Pôle Family Solutions

  • picto ouvrir infos expert
    picto fermer infos expert

    Partner, Chartered accountant

    Accounting Audit & statutory auditor Real Estate Sofradec

    Partner, Chartered accountant

  • picto ouvrir infos expert
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    Avocate au Barreau de Strasbourg

    Real Estate Soffal Tax Tax law Taxation Transfer pricing
    Specialized in the tax support of companies in the context of the development of their activities and of reorganizations. Determination of the strategy and defense in the context of tax audits.

    Avocate au Barreau de Strasbourg

  • picto ouvrir infos expert
    picto fermer infos expert
    Françoise Sitterlé

    Associée, Avocat au Barreau de Paris

    legal Soffal
    Françoise Sitterlé

    Associée, Avocat au Barreau de Paris

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