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Due diligence dans le cadre de transactions M&A

Due diligence in M&A transactions aims at analyzing the key characteristics of the target, securing the buyers or sellers and optimizing the purchase and sale transactions.

Due diligence in M&A transactions aims at analyzing the key characteristics of the target, securing the buyers or sellers and optimizing the purchase and sale transactions.  

Carrying out a transaction implies anticipating the risks linked to the transaction, confirming the levers of value creation and identifying the negotiation areas in order to remain in control of the transaction process.  

Our objective is to facilitate the completion of the transaction while keeping in mind that the transaction does not end with the signature of the sale agreement. For us, it is essential to anticipate the post deal phase. 

We provide our clients with multidisciplinary teams of professionals: auditors, lawyers, tax specialists and consultants to accompany them throughout their transactions in France and abroad and make their operations a success.  

In consultation with the client, they analyze and evaluate the elements involved in the planned acquisition, carry out an in-depth due diligence, determine the most appropriate legal and tax arrangements and implement the transaction after validation. 

Our interventions thus meet all your needs:   

– Analysis of the context and conditions of the operation 

– Commercial, strategic, human and financial analysis of the selected targets, study of synergies. 

– Accounting and financial, IT, strategic and operational due diligence  

– Vendor Due Diligence 

– Coordination of data-room / due diligence work  

– Assistance in negotiations and advice on value and price. 

– Assistance in the design and drafting of letters of intent, assistance in negotiations. 

– Assistance in the preparation of the financial package for the acquisition. 

– Review of the financial aspects included in the legal documentation, including the liabilities guarantee. 

– Assistance in final negotiations. 


Discover our 360° transaction support  

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